3:17 Hybrid School of Blythewood
We are excited to announce that we will be offering High School classes beginning August 2025!!!!
High School Open House: Tuesday, February 25th at 6:30.
2025/2026 School Year Offerings for Kindergarten- 8th Grade Classes!
K4 age cutoff- 4 years old by June 1, 2025
K5 age cutoff- 5 years old by Sept. 1, 2025

Enrollment for K-8th Grade is OPEN.
Follow the Application button below to proceed to apply!

With over 95% re-enrollment of this year's families, we recognized a need and we are pleased to announce that we were able to open up 20 additional spaces for the 2025-2026 school year scattered throughout the K-8th grade classes. We anticipate these spaces will go quickly and waitlists will become necessary. Please apply, but do not worry about the application fee. We will work through the applications on a first-come, first-served basis, notify (VIA EMAIL - PLEASE CHECK REGULARLY) you of any waitlists, and offer positions as they are avavailable. Once notified of available spaces, application fees will be required to proceed through the remaining of the admission process.

* The 2nd Grade Class and Waitlist are full on Tuesdays and Thursdays- we are no longer accepting applications for this Grade. *
* The 4th Grade Class and Waitlist are full on Tuesdays and Thursdays- we are no longer accepting applications for this Grade. *
* The 6th Grade Class and Waitlist are full on Tuesdays and Thursdays- we are no longer accepting applications for this Grade. *

Welcome New Families

Welcome to 3:17 Hybrid School of Blythewood

Our name is inspired by the Bible verse James 3:17.  We desire to partner with homeschooling families as they model and teach godly wisdom to their children so that they can better represent Christ’s pure, peaceable, and gentle qualities to our world.

In the Fall of 2025 we are plan to offer a 6 hour, one-day or two-days a week drop-off, 30 week program for children K4-8th Grade. We will meet on Tuesdays from 9am-3pm and/or Thursdays from 9am-3pm at Sandy Level Baptist Church, 408 Blythewood Rd., Blythewood, SC.

We are excited to announce that in the Fall 2025 we will extend our classes to High School students.  Please be on the lookout for our official plans in February 2025.  

High School

Philosophy of Education



One Day or Two Days?


Statement of Faith

Our Story

Admission Process


Our Mission

Our Mission

The name of our school is based on the Bible verse James 3:17. We desire to partner with parents as they model and teach godly wisdom to their children so that they can represent Christ’s pure, peaceable, and gentle qualities to our world.

From a practical standpoint, as a school we want to come alongside homeschooling parents and support them in their efforts to educate their children at home. As we continue to build and improve our school, five key components are driving us: flexible support for parents, engaged and active learning, core subjects, community, and a drop-off program.

Flexible Support for Parents
We offer a one- or two-day a week program for students. We have intentionally designed our school this way to make our school more affordable and to offer the amount of desired support to parents. Some families cannot afford to send their child two days each week. By offering a one-day option, we make the school affordable for more families. We also recognize that the amount of support and guidance parents want from our school varies. Attending one day a week provides less support and guidance, allowing parents to have more freedom and flexibility as they educate their students. Attending two days a week provides more support and guidance, as most instructional content is taught at school.
* If you are deciding whether one or two days is the right choice for your family, please read our online article “Should I Send My Child to 3:17 for One Day or Two Days?”

*Please note that high school classes are run differently. Classes are offered two days a week, and students must attend both days of instruction time.

Engaged and Active Learning
We believe learning is best accomplished when children are active and engaged. While seat work does have its place, most often our students will be found crafting, completing
experiments, presenting information, or discussing content. Academically, we lean toward a classical approach, but we also incorporate various other educational philosophies.

Core Subjects
Our school focuses on teaching core subjects. From the beginning it has been a goal of ours to teach core subjects so that our students’ experience at 3:17 enhances and propels their home learning forward. The core subjects we offer are Science, History, and Literature, as well as Composition for older students and Phonics for younger students. While core subjects are our primary focus, we don’t limit ourselves to core subjects. We offer Chapel, Class Devotions, Music, Art, and PE, as well as a variety of electives that change from year to year but have included School Newspaper, Logic, Spanish, Apologetics, Home Ec, and Strategy Games. Additionally, we offer optional after-school programs, which may change from year to year but have included Extended Care with Arts & Crafts, Tae Kwan Do and Drama.

We seek to create a welcoming environment for students where they can learn along with their peers and develop friendships. We appreciate how our learning approach of engaged and active learning by its very nature helps promote friendship and community within the classroom. Our extracurriculars, like drama class and field trips, nurture these friendships beyond the classroom. Our parents also have opportunities to meet each other at meetings and events, develop their own friendships, and receive support with their homeschooling journey.

Drop-Off Program
Homeschool parents are busy!!! We have built our school around being a 100% drop-off program. We require NO volunteering from parents at all. As homeschooling moms ourselves, we know how much you all are doing, and we don’t want to add one more task to your to-do lists. That said, if you WANT to volunteer, we have some needs you can meet such as organizing field trips or pre-screening possible literature selections for the classroom.

School Calendar